Music Business Coaching and Consulting
Get Music Business Coaching
I can be hired on an hourly basis to help grow your business. My clients have ranged from enormous Venture Capital companies looking to build out music related businesses to young musicians fresh out of college who want to grow their fan base. I combine digital marketing techniques learned by marketing this and other websites with my record company background and advise people on how to develop their following.
How it Works:
After a session is purchased I send out a detailed questionnaire so I can get as much background on you as possible. After I have reviewed your responses and thoroughly researched your online presence we connect by phone and go over your needs. I can provide you with tangible plans of action to accomplish your music related goals.
What does a Coaching Session usually Cover?
It covers a wide range of topics that vary based on your individual needs. Coaching is usually related to helping you solve the problems that arise when growing your business. I can advise you on how to achieve growth with the resources you currently have at your disposal and how best to approach the many gatekeepers you will encounter along the way.
Please Contact Me for more information and Rates.